Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Maggie in a baby carrier

So there's this hilarious comic strip called "Get Fuzzy". It has an ornery Siamese cat named Bucky and a loving mutt named Satchel. These two comic strip characters are the spitting image, personality wise, of our two babies. Maggie is clearly the Bucky personality - ornery, bossy, and always in charge, but loving on the sly - and Scout is the Satchel personality - loving all the time, and kind of a dummy.

In the comic strip the owner carries Bucky around in a baby carrier because he can't be trusted in public. So when a co-worker showed me her baby carrier that was being returned to her yesterday I HAD to borrow it! Strangely Maggie seemed pretty content once we got her into it. I think she'd probably be pretty happy to be carried around most of the time. I mean the only down fall is the peeing, and the beating up of her sister.

Funny girl!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Maggie and Scout Birthday Party

So, yesterday was Scout's and Maggie's birthday. We had a little family birthday party with the girls after dinner - complete with birthday hats and cake!

Mom and Pop didn't have any cake because it's a special peanut butter and carrot puppy cake with lite cream cheese frosting. They loved it though.

Unfortunately I missed the photo of Maggie laying on the deck licking the boards where Scout's crumbs used to be! That would have been a great shot. Instead I have a picture of a satisfied little girl after filling her tummy with cake.

Of course, I have way more pictures on my camera that I can show people later...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


We went up north on Sunday. Saw these beasts. I think I'll take aim at the big 'un if I can get a tag this year!

Happy Birthday Girls

This is the most recent picture I have of the girls. Andy set up a bunch of their toys in the doorway about a month ago. It's supposed to look like an invading army of toys. We figured since the girls were outside, when they came in they'd go berserk attacking the toys. They did not. The toys sat there for several days until one by one they were picked off and played with. Don't they kind of look like toys themselves?

Anyway, today is Scout's 7th birthday, and Maggie's 5th. My babies are growing up! Who would have guessed with Scout's early years of running away as much as possible that she'd make it to seven! We joke that we're living with bonus time since we weren't sure she'd make it to five! Maggie of course is soft, so she's still in her infancy really. She's never very far from her sister, her Pop, or even her Mom if no one else is available.

Tomorrow I'll have birthday party pictures! And if I remember baby pictures too!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cool sunset

Thought this was a really cool sunset. When I was driving home late last week the sun was really pink and hid behind the clouds a bit. I tried to speed home and get it just like it was, but the it sets surprisingly fast right at the end of the day. Still pretty cool looking though.