Monday, June 29, 2009

New Tattoo

Well for all those I told, here it finally is, my birthday present from Andy - a new tattoo. It's bigger than I had originally intended when I started planning, but I am quite happy with it. It took 2 1/2 hours to complete and let me tell you, there were some 'YIKES!' spots. It is healing nicely, hopefully it doesn't itch too badly.

If you can't tell it's a puzzle. The tattoo guy created the drawing and then pulled pieces out of the puzzle to set aside, so if you were to take the random pieces you could fit those in. I only have five of the extra pieces right now, but could get more added later.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Key West Trip - Green Heron

Wow. It's been a while since my last post! Lots of stuff has been happening up here, so I've been a busy bee!

Well here are some pictures from our Keys trip sub-trip to Key West. This little guy was just chillin' in the harbor. Looks like he caught himself some lunch. Andy said he thought it was a green heron - I have no clue. Just a very pretty bird.

Key West was nothing to write home about. It was hot, windy, and crowded. We were there in the late morning to early afternoon, and by noon we had run across people so drunk they were screaming "Whoooooo" at security cameras on the street. I was waiting for this one girl to take her top off and start dancing in front of the camera. No wonder "Girls Gone Wild" has such success. Bunch of idiots.

Really Key West was just a bunch of touristy stuff that we weren't really all that interested in. By 1pm or so I was so sick of it I didn't even want to go see the Hemingway House. Sad.

We did stop at the beach on the return trip. Funny thing, their beaches don't really have sand. It's more like crushed shells. Not great for walking barefoot in. Anyway, there are pictures from that too, but I'm not going to post those!