Tuesday, November 3, 2009


OK, so if you know me at all you know I hate Halloween - except the dressing up part. I know, I don't quite get it either.

I totally dig getting all dressed up for work and showing off my costume - this year I was a nun. I think I pulled it off pretty successfully. Apparently we had customers asking if I was a real nun, I even had one little girl stop and gawk at me outside my office until I looked up at her (sternly of course, had to stick with the character).

The thing I hate about Halloween is little and not so little kids dressing up and begging for candy at my front door. Don't get me wrong, I was one of the little beggars when I was a kid to, but I am pretty sure I always said "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you". Anymore the little beggars hold out a bag and stare at you until you drop candy in. Last time I gave out candy was when I lived in Rio. Some too old to be trick or treating kid looked at the candy I gave him and said "That's it?!"So, now I don't give anymore candy out. I hide in a back room with all the lights off in the front of the house waiting for the designated time to be over. Little beggars still ring the bell. I'm a prisoner in my own house!

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