Friday, February 5, 2010

Yea New Post!

So Tracy complained the other day that I need to update my blog, and obviously I do. It's been since October, but man has a lot happened since then. I've been terribly busy at work and at home. So here's my new post. It's a spring/summer picture. It makes me wish it was warmer out, even though I do like the snow.

This is Peso, our smallest red foot tortoise. She is about 8 or 9 years old and extremely friendly (or food oriented, depends on the way you look at it). All three of them are actually pretty food oriented. In the summer the three red foots and the leopard tortoise have run of the yard, which they love, and when we come outside they often times come to us thinking we have food for them. The big male, Spike, is the most food oriented. Peso is the friendliest, and Sylvia basically ignores us. The leopard tortoise, Casanova, totally ignores us and spends much of his time trying to get out of the yard.

So, there you go Tracy. A new post.

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