Monday, February 15, 2010


So Andy and I decided that the girls needed booties for when we take them skiing. Well, Andy suggested it and I just about had a conniption fit I was so excited. I'm never allowed to get the girls sweaters or booties or anything, so I jumped at the chance.

Now, there's a good reason I'm not allowed to get these things for my girls - they hate them. Well Maggie does. Scout seems to tolerate just about everything pretty well. Some of you may have witnessed the paralytic affect of putting any kind of cloth on Maggie's back when she was younger. It could be something as light as a bandanna draped across her back and she was convinced she could not move. Well she's gotten over that. She'll also reluctantly wear a sweater if I can sneak her into one. Her Pop promptly removes it of course, especially if she fusses, which she is likely to do. The first time I put a sweater on her she literally hid under the Christmas tree, paralyzed, until Andy came home and crawled under the tree to drag her out and take the cursed thing off.

Anyway, I digress. Well we took a special trip to PetCo for the booties. Man are those buggers expensive, but I convinced Pop it was good for the girls. We measured their little feet and got the proper sizes.

Once home, I ripped open the packaging and started reading the instructions. Instructions? You ask. Don't you just put them on. No of course not, well - yes, but then there is the adapting period, so I read about that. Your supposed to put the booties on and let the dogs get used to them. Oh heck yea! I decided I must video tape the event, and did so each of the three times we acclimated them to the booties.

I watch the video's often, but I'll only post one here. The longest one.

Of course, then we took them out to the country (video camera in hand) and sure as s**t if Scout didn't loose two of her flippin' booties before we'd even started skiing. Darn things are now somewhere in the snow on Buena Vista...Maggie's worked though. She hates it when they are on, but you can tell from the second video that once in the field the thought of beating the be-jeezes out of her sister is too tempting to make the booties an issue.

OK - I'm sick of waiting for the video to load, so you're just getting the second video today...I'll try the other one tomorrow when I have more time.

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