Wednesday, May 6, 2009

More vacation photos2

So remember in the last post I mentioned all the pelicans diving around us? Well here are three of the many pictures I took of them. It was hard getting pictures of the moment of impact, but here's a pretty good one, and one of a different pelican taking off after hitting the water. It was really neat to see, but a little like Hitchcock's The Birds, but with bigger birds.

More about the guide Bob. Andy does a really funny impression of him that's spot on. On the first day of fishing, after we've gotten our bait fish, we head out to the first fishing spot to try for Tarpon. Obviously we're going to be in the boat with this guy for a long time - eight hours the first day at least - so he strikes up various conversations. One of the first things he says once we are set up is "I don't really talk about politics", to which I respond "Yeah, me neither". Only I really don't. After 16 hours with Bob, I'm pretty sure he is not a democrat, or he just doesn't like Obama very much. Either way, he was and interesting dude.

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