Thursday, May 14, 2009

Seven Mile Bridge to No Where

On the second full day of our trip to the Keys we were supposed to go fishing with Bob again, but it was even windier than day one. I believe there were 30 MPH winds! Obviously not ideal for fishing. We decided that we'd drive down to Key West and check it out. It was a long drive down the two lane highway, but it was fun. The driving was more fun than Key West in fact! Pictures here are on the seven mile bridge. Any one who has driven with me over a high bridge knows I have a fear of crashing and plummeting over the side and into the frigid water below. I almost always work out an escape plan in my head - particularly if the kids are in the back of the truck.

Anyway, so the seven mile bridge is long, but it's really pretty to look out over the water and see the different colors of blue. In the one picture you can see the old seven mile bridge to the right. It was pretty worn down and decrepit looking, but the birds seemed to like it. In one section of the old bridge there were two trees growing right out of the middle of the road.

Once in Key West we had lunch, wandered around, saw a huge cruise boat, saw some drunk people. I would likely not go back to Key West. Too much chincy, touristy crap, not enough Jimmy Buffet beach paradise feel.

Next time I'll post pictures of the Key Deer we saw in the protection area! They are like little dog sized deer!

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